Political midfield in Finland

In 2021, Think tank Alkio will investigate the concept and current state of the political center from viewpoints relating to democratic functioning and history.
The European political field and democracy have long been in transition and are threatened by extremism from within and outside the traditional political system, inability to reform, and diversity of political rhetoric. The traditional axes of division within the political system have faded in importance, as has the role of the political center as a balancing force.
The aim of this project is to study which parties make up the political center and by what criteria. Other interesting questions include, what divisions will politics revolve around in the future, and what will be the platform of democracy going forward. What is the future of the political center?
The state and future of the political center in the context of the Nordic welfare state will be studied by Seppo Kääriäinen, Doctor of Political Science. The research report will be published in late 2021.
Additional information:
Seppo Kääriäinen